Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting it Right

The Missouri Athletic Club got it right with its choice of Kelley O'Hara as recipient of the MAC Hermann trophy, college soccer's version of the Heisman trophy awarded in gridiron football.

A while ago I wrote on this blog:

"Kelley O'Hara has shown herself to be the best soccer player in the country. Through 26 matches, 25 of them consecutive victories, this player has proven beyond doubt that she was the best player (over the whole course of the season) in the country. She led her team and entire the nation in scoring. She made everybody on her team a better player. I have no idea what else she could possibly have done to prove herself. Don't take my word for it, though. I am just an opinionated soccer fan. Ask someone who actually knows something about soccer, starting with every one of the coaches Stanford played against this year, including Anson Dorrance. Actually you don't need to even ask them. Just use that newfangled internet-thingie and look up their post-game quotes."

Well, the quotes apparently got around among the coach voters, who did the right thing, and gave the crystal futbol to the best player in the country.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They did get it right. Jackie felt L. Cheney would get another award and our faith in what the Hermann stood for was renewed. I heard that everyone had a wonderful time and the three candidates spent much time before and after the ceremony "hangin' out". Friends on the youth teams and now current teammates on the National team. Really neat. All of them are just great players with Kelley having a superb season.