Wednesday, December 24, 2008

DC United - the Midfield and Forwards

Assuming we get reasonably healthy, DC United is in pretty good shape in the midfield. Clyde Simms showed well in the D-Mid role, and got himself a fatter contract as a result. On the left flank we have Guererro, who has shown he can flat-out play. In the middle we have Marcelo 'El Muneco' Gallardo, who I reallly hope gets healthy and maintains form. On the right we have the Brazilian Fred, who I have always liked.

Up front I hope we have a healthy Jaime Moreno and a healthy Luciano Emilio. I think with Moreno's age he'll have to be used as a pure striker and not so much as a MF/F. Get him or Emilio the ball in the box and let them take care of the rest.

I neglected to mention in my previous post that there is some defensive help in the offing. Janicki, a pickup from the minor leage Pittsburgh Riverhounds, has been a revelation. He appears to my untrained eye as one who is capable of starting in defense on the MLS level.

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